Maison Goubet

Collège Culinaire de France

The association was founded in 2011 by 15 internationally renowned French chefs. The aim of the Collège Culinaire de France is to promote the quality of catering in France and beyond, and to perpetuate quality craftsmanship.

In 2017, our company was honoured by the Collège Culinaire de France and joined the family of Artisans Militants de la Qualité

Producer and Quality Activist recognized by the Collège Culinaire de France


Totally independent associative movement financièrement des pouvoirs publics et de l’industrie agro-alimentaire et de tout corporatisme


Restaurants Producers Quality activists membres passionnés répartis sur l’ensemble des territoires

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Selection and controls independently produced by 220 regional restaurateurs and artisan producers and unanimously validated by
the founding chefs

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Events and meetings reserved for professional men and women, some of which are open to all (Marchés Complices, Dîners Complices, etc.).

The founding chefs